Days in the Life of a Science Librarian *With Footnotes #Libday7

White sign edged in brown wood that reads Cedar Point Biological Station.
Cedar Point Biological Station

Monday 7/25/11

Get up to take 7:15 am bus to center city area.

7:45 am get off bus at 11th and N.

Start 2 mile walk to Transportation Services (which is not located near any campus or city bus routes) to pick up a university car for our 5.5 hour trip to service the Cedar Point Research Station?s library.

I decided to pick up some books from Dr. Griep Vice, Chair of Chemistry since it and the library were on my way. When I arrived I assure Dr. Griep’s secretary that I was not really there, just passing through, and then dropped off the books at the library.

Photograph of Lake McConaughy showing the skyline just starting to darken toward sunset, the far shore in the distance, a large expanse of blue water, and a hillside in the foreground with grass and sunflowers.
Lake McConaughy

During the remaining 1.3 miles of the walk I discovered that the walking path takes you along a sewer route.*

I finally arrive at Transportation Services around 8:30 am drenched in sweat (did I mention it was super hot!) and receive my keys and a gas card

after signing my life away. ?I walked out and discover they’ve put me in a huge Chevy Malibu O_o.** After a moment to freak out about the monster car I?ve been assigned I got in the car, readjust mirrors, figure out how the darn thing works. I couldn’t find the release for the parking break at all, and it wasn’t set, so I didn’t use it. After successfully starting the car I drove to my apartment to pick up my luggage and a borrowed work computer before heading out to pick up my coworker who was accompanying me on the adventure and head out toward Cedar Point which is located next to Lake McConaughy.

Around 12:30pm we stop in a random town for lunch and find a great inexpensive Chinese Buffet, hurray! An hour later we are back on the road.

Find Me at ALA 2011 (Tentative Schedule)

Conference image bad that reads I'm speaker June 22-28, 2011 New Orleans American Library Association conference.
ALA New Orleans

Greetings! If you will be attending ALA 2011 here are some places you might find me. I only guarantee to be there if I’m speaking since plans can easily change on a dime at conference time.

Thursday 6/23

7:30-9:30pm Spectrum Professional Options Fair (ACRL RIG Table) 300 Bourbon St, Grand Ballroom

Friday 6/24

9am Breakfast w/Jennifer Waller

8am-12pm ALA Town Hall on Diversity RM 265 Convention Center

4pm – 5pm Sci/Tech Librarians & Friends at PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans, Near Lafayette Square.
~0.5 miles/10 minutes from the convention Center
If you want to attend let me know, so far it’s a small group 4-5 people, but I want to make sure we don’t outgrow the venue.
PJ’s Coffee, 644 Camp St, New Orleans, LA 70130-3424

5:30pm Exhibits Open

5:30pm – 8:00pm LITA Happy Hour Howlin’ Wolf Den Tbl 1, 907 S. Peters St. (Cash Bar)

6:30pm Dinner W/Jen Lanzing & Friends

7:30pm-8:30pm NMRT Mentoring Social, DOUB Rosedown A

10 pm- Midnight ALA Dance Party, Oz New Orleans, 800 Bourbon St

Saturday 6/25

10:30am – 12pm Sociology Librarians Discussion Group (ACRL ANSS) – Marriot- Mardi Gras f-g, Panelist – Promoting Your Institutional Repository to Faculty

3pm-5pm Diversity and Outreach Fair Room 260-262 Convention Center

5pm-6pm Former Diversity Scholars Meetup

5:30pm-7pm ACRL University Libraries Section Netowking Reception Pirates Alley, 1622 Pirates Alley

7pm-9pm Tweetup Bar Uncommon

7:45pm-10pm JCLC Fundraiser, Hilton Riverside, 2 Poydras, River Room

9pm-2am Facebook After Hours Social Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop 941 Bourbon St. (This is a great place to meet people, esp around midnight when other things are shutting down, it makes a good last stop before bed.)

Sunday 6/26

7am Breakfast w/Bohyun Kim

8am – 10am ACRL RIG Meeting

8am – 10am LITA Emerging Tech
Lost in Translation: the Emerging Technology Librarian and the New Technology, Convention Center Rm 274
Speakers: Bohyun Kim, Florida International University, Jacquelyn Erdman, U.S. Green Building Council

10:30am-12pm Data Panel Sheraton Borgne Room

(Lunch w/Placement Center)

1:30pm-3pm ALA Placement Center Networking in a Tough Economy: Using Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand and Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired. Speaker: Pt 3 Putting it together: being professionally consistent online and in person.

7pm-10pm Creole Queen STS/HSIG Dinner Cruise

Monday 6/27

8am-10am LITA Emerging Technologies Interest Group Convention Center RM 341