10 Traits of Science Librarians

Image of Hamilton Hall featuring a portrait of Dr. Hamilton in the background with a table in the foreground containing red and white ballons and a red chemistry department table cloth for UNL Chemistry Department on Chemistry Day at UNL.
Chemistry at UNL

I firmly believe the world needs more science librarians, and that this need is accelerated by the increasingly interdisciplinary, collaborative, and technological nature of science. Sadly, as in many industries, funding is hard to come by, but even so there are openings here and there for people who are fortunate enough to live locally or to be able to move.

Defining what science librarians do, and the ideal background for a science librarian is very difficult because as the archivists like to say “it depends” on the individual, the science discipline, and the work they will be asked to do.

* Disclaimer: This post reflects my own thoughts and feelings, not necessarily those of my employer or any group with which I am affiliated.? As a new science librarian much of this post is based on my observations of successful science librarians whom I respect.

10 Traits of Science Librarians

  1. Enthusiasm for science! Depending on your job you maybe highly specialized in one area, or you may cover broad subject areas, or you may need to be familiar with 8+ related fields. If you don’t like science I think it would be very hard to be a science librarian at most places.
  2. Knowledge of scientific terminology. This knowledge can be gained formally or informally but the fact is the language of science is very different from that of the humanities and the arts, although it does bear some resemblance to that of the social sciences.? Having a common vocabulary is very important when communicating with scientists since the same word can mean vastly different things in different disciplines.? It’s important to be able to say what you mean and that means knowing the vocabulary of science.
  3. Tech Love aka Embracing their inner geek! Instruments are increasingly high tech, most if not all data analysis is done with computers, almost all the major journals are available as e-journals, open access journals are completely electronic, and please don’t get me started on the problem of file formats and preservation!? Throw in NASA iPhone and Android applications and you can see there’s no getting away from technology when you’re involved in science.
  4. Collection development skills. No matter how good your approval plan is it is not perfect, nor are all books that should be purchased available from any one company. Science librarians also recommend electronic resources, investigate how many “seats” are needed to serve faculty and students, and try and find ways for faculty to successfully lobby for more funding of electronic resources. We communicate to vendors what faculty and students do and do not like about their e- resource services.
  5. Adaptability. The responsibilities of science librarians are constantly evolving books are only a small part of what we do. You may also teach, work the reference desk, serve on library, university, and association committees, conduct research, submit grant proposals, publish, present, help students & faculty with research questions and technology, work outreach events, attend staff and department meetings, and interact with everyone at the university from community users to the chancellor or president of your school. (These are some but not all of the things I do, and no I don’t do all of these things every week, there is not that much time in the week.)
  6. Curiosity! To be successful you should be curiosity personified. In order to understand my subject areas I’m constantly reading about advances and controversies in their disciplines and related disciplines. If you look at things from the side almost every discipline overlaps and you don’t want to miss the “big picture”.
  7. Know how their library works. Subject specialists/liaisons wear many hats including what some of my faculty like to term “ambassador for the library”. We present the good and try and help ease the sting of the bad (read budget cuts). We advocate for the library with the faculty, and take faculty praise and concerns to the library. We must be diplomatic, sympathetic, and congenial. We must also be honest, dependable, and engaged. In order to be these things we have to understand enough about what everyone else does, and be willing to find out more about how things work to field faculty questions and provide in depth answers about how things work and what we can and cannot change. A good set of examples is that we can create course and department specific guides to resources, but we cannot add to the current years subscriptions of journals without dropping journals of equal value, the budget for this year is set.
  8. Constantly engaged with colleagues both local and dispersed. I’m very new, but one thing I’ve noticed about successful science librarians is they don’t try and do it all alone, they collaborate, they ask questions, they learn from their colleagues both near and far. Being a librarian isn’t about knowing everything and that is even truer for science librarians. Being a science librarian is knowing enough to find out more, ask people who know how to find what you’re looking for or refer you to someone who knows how to find it. Maybe there is some super genius librarian succeeding in a vacuum that the rest of us don’t know about, but the rest of us mere humans succeed through learning from our colleagues and patrons, and being willing to pass on what we have learned to others.
  9. Learn their organizations political structure. If you don’t do this you will be at a severe disadvantage when you want to get things done. You are by virtue of your position a leader of sorts and you really don’t want to do everything the hard way. Sometimes it isn’t what you ask, but who or how you ask.
  10. They take to heart “Protect your dean!” (This corollary to number 9 was coined by one of my co-workers.) Your dean is in charge of the library, make sure they know about all ideas you’re actively exploring so that if someone hears about your activities and mentions them to you dean he or she isn’t left going ? (You should always be keeping your boss in the loop too!) A good rule of thumb is to give your dean an elevator pitch or brief e-mail about anything new you are looking into. E-mail can be especially useful if you are shy or your dean doesn’t have an open door policy, keep in mind an e-mail doesn’t have to be terribly in depth it can be 2-3 sentences and labeled as an FYI. If your dean wants to know more about your idea or has an objection I am sure they will let you know. They may even have some good advice for you, but the point is you don’t leave them hanging.

* Many of these traits are necessary to other types of librarians, but I would argue that doesn’t make them less essential to science librarianship.

What do you think are the traits of successful Science Librarians?

Breaking Into Academia: Acing The In Person Interview

Image of a woman walking away down the street with long dark hair, wearing a blue midi dress and a brown shoulderbag.
Strides Toward Employment

In my last post on Breaking Into Academia I addressed the Dread Phone Interview.

*Disclaimer: The advice below can be adapted to other areas of librarianship but will probably work best for people interested in one or more of the following areas: subject specialist, outreach, diversity, reference, and instruction. A large number of people gave me advice about in person interviews and this is a distillation of what I’ve learned works for me.

So what happens next?

As several very wise people told me, if you are invited to an in person interview that means that they like you. Unless they have money to burn they really want all of the 2-4 people that they bring to campus for the in person interview to be great candidates for hire. It costs a lot of money to bring people in for on campus interviews so universities generally don’t waste money bringing in unqualified people for no reason.

Presentations & Mock Instructional Sessions

In most cases you will have to either give a presentation or teach a mock lesson. If this isn’t mentioned in the information provided for your visit I recommend that you ask, I only know of one person who wasn’t asked to do this and it’s best to be safe. Presentation topics can be very rigid or very flexible. It is okay to ask about equipment and room size to help you prepare for your presentation. Since I find projector screens hard to look at I tend not to do power point presentations, but there are plenty of really good power point and multimedia presentations out there. I’m always very suspicious of Murphy’s Law coming into play when I’m interviewing so I like to go low tech. That said if high tech is your thing go for it! If you like high tech you know the drill: have a copy online, bring a copy on your laptop, and put another copy on a flash drive, etc.  Ask for a microphone to be provided.

Due to some excellent advice I did create a power point presentation to organize and structure my thoughts. I then created a handout from the talking points I mentioned on my slides. I think it’s nice to hand people something that has your main points on it when you give a talk so that they can follow along and not have to scribble notes every few seconds. Everyone has a different presentation style so what works for me may not work for you. I prefer a presentation style with some give and take from the audience, I’m not one to memorize my presentation I do practice giving my presentations but they turn out different every time. When I’m in front of an audience I ask about their awareness of topics, adjust what I say based on audience response, give my opinions, try and state any biases I might have, and make sure that I finish on time so that there is time for questions. If you are given free reign on how long to talk I’d suggest keeping your talk to 20 minutes plus time for questions.

If you are told to talk for a specific amount of time make sure that you keep an eye on the time and try not to go over. It is okay to ask someone to let you know when you have five minutes and one minute left to help you time things out. You can also ask someone to pass out your extra handouts to people who come in after you start talking. When people ask you questions you’ll most likely be keyed up with adrenaline, I try and remind myself to take a moment and think before I start answering so that my answers are more coherent. Sometimes I remember this better than others, but just by making the effort to pause before answering I think I improve the quality of my answers and maybe someday it’ll become habit. Sometimes people ask you questions which seem really strange to you at the time, often these are based on the persons areas of interest. Remember, all questions are good questions, it means the person cares enough about what you have been saying to want to know more so answer each question with a real answer.

Interview Day(s)

Depending on the position you are interviewing for, your in person interview can last anywhere from 1 to 3 days. If you are from out of state they will most likely fly you in and put you up for several nights.

  1. Attire: Bring one extra outfit just in case something happens, if you are prepared nothing will probably happen but better safe than sorry. (Yes ladies that includes stockings if you wear them.) For both men and women I recommend wearing a thin undershirt even if you don’t normally do so, the lines of your clothes will sit nicer and give you a cleaner look. Your outfit doesn’t have to be a traditional black suit, but a suit or suit like outfit is a definite plus, it says you know how to play the game. I prefer a non-traditional suits myself in terms of colors but stay away from overly bright suits because they make people focus on the color of your suit instead of you.
  2. Library Information: Review all of the information you gathered for your phone interview. If you haven’t done so read the annual report and most recent strategic plan, if you can’t find them ask if they are available and if so ask if you can have a copy. You won’t retain everything but they will give you a sense of the library and its structure and when people ask how you prepared for your interview you’ll get a couple gold stars for effort. Also review what databases are in your subject area, don’t be afraid to say you are inexperienced with some of them or to mention you have access to some but not others. Every university has different databases and e-journals and if you don’t have access all you can do is look at the publishers information. To my knowledge people don’t usually hold this against you and it’s much better to be honest and just admit it if you don’t know something about the library or its resources.
  3. Personal Care: Once you arrive at your hotel unpack your belonging and iron anything that got overly wrinkled on your trip. Since I had to take a red eye for my interview with a long layover my bags were packed about 20 hours before I could unpack them. If you need to iron things do it as soon as you get there to avoid being in a rush the next day. Lay out your clothes for the first day along with shoes, combs, brushes, and anything else you will need to use to get ready in the morning. Eat a decent dinner, take a hot shower or bath, and try and get to sleep early, if you can’t sleep just try and let your mind wander while breathing slowly and evenly. The more rested you are the better you will hold up the next day, or days as the case may be.
  4. Daily Schedule: Each day usually starts with a breakfast meeting. This is often followed by at least one other meeting and then possibly by your presentation. Some institutions like presentations at the beginning of the day, others at the end of the day. You will meet with the search committee, library directors and/or deans, representatives from most if not all departments of the library, your potential boss, an assortment of committees within the library, and possibly with higher-ups in within the university as a whole depending on what type of position you are applying for. On days in which you meet with people you will normally have lunch and “informal” dinner meetings.
  5. Questions: Interviewing with so many different groups means that some people here your answers to the same questions repeatedly. Repeat questions can be handled two ways, you can either concentrate on giving the exact same answer each time or you can give similar but different answers each time. Questions I was asked over and over include but are not limited to: What interests you about working for our library? What are your areas of interest in regards to research? What do you like best about librarianship? What is your leadership style? How did you get from Chemistry to Librarianship? (This is a useful question for highlighting the similarities and differences between what you used to do and what you’d like to do if you are a career switcher.)

Sell Your Personality:

The hardest thing to do, and the most important, is to be yourself at your interview, but as I mentioned in my previous post if you aren’t honest about who you are you could easily end up in a job that you hate. Here’s some things I try and remember, and areas which I work on.

  1. Poise: Because academic interviews are usually for 1-3 days, include an average of around a meeting per hour plus meal meetings, and answering the same questions over and over it can get very tiring and frustrating because you feel like a broken record. This is where you remind yourself that these people want you to be a successful candidate so it’s important to try and keep a polite and pleasant demeanor. In many ways your attitude from start to finish is one of the biggest factors which will get you a job. Keeping your cool under pressure is always a strong plus.
  2. Admit When You Don’t Know: When people ask you questions there will inevitably be things asked that you either don’t know about at all, or have heard of but only know a little about. This is okay! No one does, or should, expect you to know everything. Admitting when you don’t know something looks good because it shows that you are willing to admit the limits to what you know which is essential since many reference questions librarians receive are about topics they know little to nothing about. Good phrases to use are things like, “I am not familiar with…”, and “I have heard the name but all I know about it is…”.
  3. Sharing: There are a lot of things that it is illegal for search committees to ask you which is generally a good thing. However, this does mean that it is up to you to mention interests and relevant personal information at strategic points during an interview. As I was told by a close friend, you have all day, or several days, to let them get to know you so you don’t have to share everything at your first meeting, share things strategically, be honest as you slowly reveal yourself and you’ll seem more interesting. Over sharing makes people look insecure, interviewing is like networking in this regard. (I think is a shame since I like collaborative environments where there is a ton of what most people consider to be over sharing and talking over and picking apart of ides, but if you want to be successful in academia you have to learn how to play the game. Academia is largely driven through politics and understanding and accepting that is important to being happy in higher education.)
  4. Quiet: Let there be lulls in conversation, don’t try and fill the quiet. This is a tough one for me for a variety of reasons, the main one being that when I feel like I’m being put on display I default into what I think of as hostess/actress mode which translates into dead air=Bad. When I feel relaxed I generally don’t do this but since interviews are very much focused on me as an individual I constantly remind myself before and during the interview that silence is okay, I don’t have to fill the air, I’m not the host and an interview is not the same as being on stage. This is another of those if you do this you look insecure things, I really doubt that this is the case for most people, but selling yourself is all about controlling peoples perceptions of you so its important to be aware of things will be perceived.
  5. Dining: Even though some eating functions may be labeled “Informal Dinner” they are still an important part of the interview process. To avoid stains stay away from pastas and soups, to avoid coughing stay away from croutons and other foods which create fine dust like particles. I prefer to order sandwiches or burgers with sauce if any on the side so I can better prevent food accidents. Do not order the most expensive thing on the menu, do not order alcoholic beverages. If someone does order a bottle of wine for the table (not likely in higher education at all) it would be okay to have a little to be sociable if you like wine, but it is generally a bad idea to drink while interviewing.
  6. Institutional Politics: Different positions deal with politics to different degrees and it is good to show that you understand that they are important and are willing to learn how to navigate your institutions politics. Chains of command are important, learning who to keep informed is important. A large portion of institutional politics is informing or asking permission from the correct people in the correct order.

After the Interview

Pay attention to what people tell you about themselves so that you can send thank you notes to the head of the search committee and/or whoever shoved you around. It’s best to put these in the mail as soon as you get home. If you can write them immediately after the interview while you still have the people straight, consider this letter writing part of the interview process.

Now is the time to start thinking about what you’ve learned about the people you will be working with directly, the position, the institution, and the community you would be living in. People often only have 2-3 days to accept an offer and begin negotiations so give it a good think before you move on to your next job application because the next e-mail you receive may be a job offer.

What else would you like to know about In Person Interviews?

What other tips do people have for preparing for and successfully surviving in person interviews?

Please leave a comment, send me a message on twitter, or write me an e-mail!