5 Days in Library Land: Day Five, Reflections

A year ago I was the quality control manager at an environmental testing laboratory, and I had just received my acceptance letter for Drexel’s MLIS program. I’d always known that I wanted to earn at least one advanced degree, and my goal to begin working on one by the end of 2009 was achieved. (Take that the you’ll never go back if you don’t do a second degree right away line of thinking!)

Starting classes in March felt a bit like being on the spinning teacups ride at Disneyland, but I found my balance. I started interning at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden’s research library, attended my first library conference, became a 2009-1011 ARL Diversity Scholar.’ To a little more detail you can read my post Catching Up. In November I submitted my first job application with editorial help from Megan Perez and Missy Harvey. I was unfamiliar with this some of this quarter’s topics of study: collection development, and foundations of information systems. So, I did what I always do when stressed, researched and read until comfort was achieved. There was a lot of reading going on. On November 30th I was honored to be named the ACRL member of the week.

Three quarters down, two to go! Next quarter I’ll be studying Resources in Social Science, Instructional Role Information Specialist, and Academic Library Service. Drexel’s quarter begins January 4th, 2010 and I’ll be at ALA Midwinter January 14th-19th. If anyone is interested in meeting up I have time the 17th after about 4pm until I leave on the 19th. Several of my instructors kindly provided me with the readings from the beginning of the quarter so I can get ahead before things get crazy, thank you.

A year ago I was a chemist, today I am librarian, a young librarian, but a librarian nonetheless. Everything I’ve learned about writing, dealing with the public, organization, being in charge, and performing research, is built upon my experiences as a student at a liberal arts institution, a laboratory instructor, a chemist, a quality control manager, a library school student, and as a volunteer intern at a research library, have shaped who I am today. I’ve been fortunate to find several librarians who are both willing, and capable, mentors. I have several people I can contact with questions, or for help proof reading. I have people who will not only tell me what not to do, but why. Much of my transformation from chemist to librarian is due to these individuals, and any success I achieve is due in large part to their generous advice and encouragement.

In the future I plan to pursue my interests in promoting literacy, science, and preservation. So the question is, what will I be doing in 10 years? My goal is to study and become fluent in Japanese, teach literacy and library science classes, continue studying preservation, cataloging, science (broad term), and e-resources, and do original research on the user group(s) who frequent my library.

My questions for anyone reading are:

How have you changed in the last year? How would you like to change in the future?

May you all have a peaceful and relaxing rest of the year, catch you in 2010!

5 Days in Library Land: Day Three, Literacy & Science

A large part of literacy instruction is explaining the resources available, one of the ongoing debates in the scientific community, and the library community, about how scientists should and will be communicating and sharing information in the future.

Literacy Instruction Readings, Reference, Tips, & Tutorials:

Office for Literacy and Outreach Services Toolkits (ALA)


10 Tips for Teaching Technology to Teachers by Liz B. Davis


Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large Vol. 9 No. 12 http://citesandinsights.info/v9i12a.htm

Developing Research & Communication Skills Guidelines for Information Literacy in the Curriculum, Middle States Commission on Higher Education


ILI-L, the Information Literacy Instruction Discussion List (hosted by ALA) http://lists.ala.org/wws/info/ili-l

IL Resources & Tools by Lisa Metzer http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=b93aa8ef223445ff8919191fbc3ed23c

Information literacy in the disciplines (ACRL wiki)


LION: Library Information Literacy Online Network ? Downloadable & Embeddable Guides http://liontv.blip.tv/

Project Information Literacy http://projectinfolit.org/

Turning Topics Into Searches by Iris http://pegasuslibrarian.com/2009/11/turning-topics-into-searches.html

UCLA Library Research Guides ? Teach Information Literacy & Critical Thinking! http://guides.library.ucla.edu/teachingtips


The Top Ten Things a new Sci/Tech Librarian Should Know: Developing Core Competencies (STS Issues in Sci/Tech Library Management Discussion Group ALA Annual Meeting, Toronto June 22, 2003) Victoria S. Mitchell

Looking Toward the Future:

Citizen Scientists Reconnecting Science with Civil Society (pdf)by Jack Stilgoe ~ If you only look at one link I have listed I highly encourage you to read the first part of this pamphlet, starting on page 13 of the pdf file.

Libraries and e-science by Lorcan Dempsey

Training to Climb an Everest of Digital Data by Ashlee Vance

What Should Social Software for Science Look Like? By Cameron Neylon

Science Readings and Resources:

Annual Reviews ? Subscription Based Resource


Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports Prepared for the web by Robert L. Bolin


BioMed Central The Open Access Publisher Free Access, registration required. This site hosts journals on a variety of topics, mainly medical, including journals on ecology, plant biology and zoology.

BIRN Biomedical Informatics Research Network


BookBoon.com Online Ad Financed Textbooks in Business, Math, and Science

Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives


Deep Dyve Online Rental Service Announcement


Directory of Open Access Journals


Government Information Sources for Science and Technology ACRL wiki


Gray literature: Resources for locating unpublished research by Brian S. Mathews C&RL News, March 2004 Vol 65., No. 3

Green Foostep An assessment tool for reducing carbon emissions from building construction projects by the Rocky Mountain Institute ~ I’ve seen several reference questions about carbon emissions recently; it’s also been suggested as a planning resource for creating new library buildings.

INFOMINE Scholarly Internet Resource Collections


LibGuides by Springshare Paid Service


LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)


Mendeley Research Networks


NLM Gateway Search multiple NLM resources in one search.

Orphan Data


Rethinking Science & Technology for the 21st Century by Alan Maynard


RSABG Library: Research Sources in Botany by Harvey R. Brenneise and Gary D. Wallace ~ This was created to support an annual graduate level research class in the field of Botany.

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (SEPB) presents selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.

Science: So what? ? So what? By Alan Maynard


SPARC Guide: Income Models for Supporting Open Access


Top 10 Sci-Tech Books 2009 by Donna Seaman for Booklist Online


Trailblazing Three and a half centuries of Royal Society publishing ~ 60 articles selected from over 60,000 published by the Royal Society (UK) between 1665 and 2010.

Translation resources on the Web: A guide to accurate, free sites by Rebecca A Martin and Sarah Mc-Hone-Chase C& RL News, June 2009 Vol 70, No. 6 ~ Due to the Internet access to scholarly information from foreign countries is increasing the need for translation, while I would not recommend using these resources to try and translate an entire article they may be use in translating abstracts, or enough of an article to determine whether or not it is worth having fully translated.

The UCverse


WolframAlpha ~ Wolfram|Alpha’s long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. We aim to collect and curate all objective data; implement every known model, method, and algorithm; and make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything?


2020Science by Alan Maynard ~ Anything Alan writes is worth reading and, while he is involved with policy, he accurately represents a large portion of the scientific community’s thoughts. He is also very good about citing sources and explaining in detail why he disagrees with alternate points of view, enabling the reader to make a more informed decision on whether or not they agree with him.

RSS Feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/2020science

Confessions of a Science Librarian by John Dupuis

RSS Feed – http://scienceblogs.com/channel/rss.php

CS Librarian News by Missy Harvey ~ Missy is the Computer Science Librarian at Carnegie Mellon University. The focus of her blog is to distribute information in the areas of computer science, electrical & computer engineering, and robotics.

RSS Feed – http://cslibrarian.net/feed

Discussion for best practices and links to Escience Portal, Supporting biomedical librarians everywhere?

RSS Feed – http://escienceportal.wordpress.com/feed/

Science Blogs Scroll down the page and you can choose your news feed topic. The definition of Science being used encompasses politics, and the arts, as well as the hard sciences and education. Be warned it is easy to be overwhelmed by their subject specific news feeds, it may be better to choose a few frequent posters to follow than all people posting on a given subject.

Science in the open, An openwetware blog on the challenges of open and connected Science by Cameron Neylon

RSS Feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/scienceintheopen

Just For Fun:

Drive for geothermal power heats up on US campuses by Dinesh Ramde