California Library Association Schedule

This schedule is tentative, I will also be floating in and out of the un-conference.

Saturday 10/31

9:00am-10:15am Laugh It Up! The Funniest Keynote Address Ever! Paula Poundstone, The Intellectual?s Comedian

10:30-11:45 Introducing a New Library Consortium: Open Source Open Libraries with Lori Ayre

2:15-3:30 Digital Collection Development: Building Collections in Cyberspace Track: Adult/Reference with Christine Moore

3:45-4:30 Gadgets & Guides: Free2 Access a Better Life Track: Community Outreach with Marti Goddard

Sunday 11/1

9:00-9:45 Emerging Search Technologies with Mark Johnson

12:45-1:30 Coulter Lecture By Johanna Drucker Collecting Collections: Turning Overload into Opportunity Track: Community Outreach Johanna Drucker

1:45-3:00 Is it an iPhone or an iLibrary? Reaching Out to Users through Mobile Technology with Susan Kendall

If anyone is attending the session on RDA Monday please think about writing up your thoughts.? I will be unable to attend but will be at OCLC’s RDA webinar Friday Oct 30, 2009.

F is for Frugal : Book Edition

The word Frugal in white text with black outline against a backdrop of large green and black dollar signs.

This is the first in a series of monthly posts about Frugal Living. It seemed appropriate to start with the topic of books.

General Advice

  • Check out books at your local library.
  • Don’t forget your local Friends of the Library store when looking for a book fix, spend less and support your library. Additionally, check out online book clubs, they often have a section where members can swap or giveaway books.
  • Go to Borders or Barnes and Noble and sit and read for free.’ They actively encourage this so don’t feel bad if you don’t buy something.
  • Before you buy a book ask yourself this question, Will I read this book at least once for every $1 spend on it? If the answer is no consider my first two suggestions on how to read for free.
  • If you wish to purchase a book new consider signing up for Borders (weekly coupons) or Barnes and Noble (monthly coupons) E-mail, Borders requires free sign-up in their rewards club, Barnes and Noble coupons are separate from their book club. Also consider place a pre-order online, Amazon often offers extra discounts for pre-orders. Many booksellers offer discounts on a broad selection of books if you buy them online and most offer free shipping with a minimum purchase ranging from $25-$50.
  • For hardcover books and textbooks check out the following websites for used copies before buying a new copy. (NOTE: Some times New Copies on Barnes and Noble and sold by 3rd party sellers are as cheaper than discounted new copies from internet book retailers, compare prices for the best deal.)

Abe Books


Barnes and Noble



Powell?s Books

Free E-Books

Baen Free Library

International Children?s Digital Library National Academy Press – Online Book Page

Project Gutenberg

Public Literature.Org

The Internet Public Library?s collection of Online Texts

Websites of Interest

Book Mooch

Library Thing Early Reviewers

Library Thing Member Give Away

Paper Back Swap

Books on Frugal Living

The Complete Tightwad Gazette

America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams

The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches: A Practical (and Fun) Guide to Enjoying Life More by Spending Less

Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two-Income Economy