Greetings! If you will be attending ALA 2011 here are some places you might find me. I only guarantee to be there if I’m speaking since plans can easily change on a dime at conference time.
Thursday 6/23
7:30-9:30pm Spectrum Professional Options Fair (ACRL RIG Table) 300 Bourbon St, Grand Ballroom
Friday 6/24
9am Breakfast w/Jennifer Waller
8am-12pm ALA Town Hall on Diversity RM 265 Convention Center
4pm – 5pm Sci/Tech Librarians & Friends at PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans, Near Lafayette Square.
~0.5 miles/10 minutes from the convention Center
If you want to attend let me know, so far it’s a small group 4-5 people, but I want to make sure we don’t outgrow the venue.
PJ’s Coffee, 644 Camp St, New Orleans, LA 70130-3424
5:30pm Exhibits Open
5:30pm – 8:00pm LITA Happy Hour Howlin’ Wolf Den Tbl 1, 907 S. Peters St. (Cash Bar)
6:30pm Dinner W/Jen Lanzing & Friends
7:30pm-8:30pm NMRT Mentoring Social, DOUB Rosedown A
10 pm- Midnight ALA Dance Party, Oz New Orleans, 800 Bourbon St
Saturday 6/25
10:30am – 12pm Sociology Librarians Discussion Group (ACRL ANSS) – Marriot- Mardi Gras f-g, Panelist – Promoting Your Institutional Repository to Faculty
3pm-5pm Diversity and Outreach Fair Room 260-262 Convention Center
5pm-6pm Former Diversity Scholars Meetup
5:30pm-7pm ACRL University Libraries Section Netowking Reception Pirates Alley, 1622 Pirates Alley
7pm-9pm Tweetup Bar Uncommon
7:45pm-10pm JCLC Fundraiser, Hilton Riverside, 2 Poydras, River Room
9pm-2am Facebook After Hours Social Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop 941 Bourbon St. (This is a great place to meet people, esp around midnight when other things are shutting down, it makes a good last stop before bed.)
Sunday 6/26
7am Breakfast w/Bohyun Kim
8am – 10am ACRL RIG Meeting
8am – 10am LITA Emerging Tech
Lost in Translation: the Emerging Technology Librarian and the New Technology, Convention Center Rm 274
Speakers: Bohyun Kim, Florida International University, Jacquelyn Erdman, U.S. Green Building Council
10:30am-12pm Data Panel Sheraton Borgne Room
(Lunch w/Placement Center)
1:30pm-3pm ALA Placement Center Networking in a Tough Economy: Using Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand and Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired. Speaker: Pt 3 Putting it together: being professionally consistent online and in person.
7pm-10pm Creole Queen STS/HSIG Dinner Cruise
Monday 6/27
8am-10am LITA Emerging Technologies Interest Group Convention Center RM 341