Tales from the Tenure Track: Negotiating Your Hire Package

*This is just a compilation of all the great advice I’ve been given or privy to about negotiating one’s hire package.

You may be thinking, I don’t want to negotiate, why should I stick my neck out? The only way salaries will rise for faculty (all of whom usually make $20,000-30,000+ less per year than they would in industry) is for those of us who are faculty to ask for equitable wages. You may not think this is such a big deal now, but public school teachers in my district where I grew up topped out at over $10,000 more per year by retirement than I will as a tenure track professor if I go the full professor route and we all know how poorly they are paid compared to other industries. Just because you start at a higher rate doesn’t mean you end at one.

It’s hard to say who has it worse, the prospective employee who must negotiate in person or over the phone. Either way negotiations cause angst and worry, but I hope the advice I’ve compiled will help others be more comfortable in their negotiations.


When you get a tenure track offer it is very tempting to accept the first salary offered with no negotiation because it’s a better salary than the little to none you were making.

Don?t do it!

The job of your Dean, Chair, etc. is to get the best people possible at the lowest possible cost to the university. You really can’t blame them for wanting to hire as many people as possible at the lowest cost, but don’t let that guilt you into being paid less than you are worth.

Your negotiations will set the tone for your employment. Do you want to be seen as someone who knows what they are worth or a push over? (No I didn’t feel comfortable asking for more money, but I did it anyway and it paid off. And yes it was nerve wracking, but I’d do it again!) Take a deep breath and ask for a higher salary!

What they initially offer you is often the minimum they are allowed to pay for your position given your academic rank. If this is so it doesn’t mean you should ask for insane amounts of money, but a little research online will tell you what the salary ranges are for your department and classification for any public university. Alternatively, you can register for GlassDoor.com to see if others have posted salary/benefits information about your non-public employer. Don’t ask for a tenured salary if you are coming in pre-tenure, it isn’t going to happen! If you can’t find out what the salary ranges are and want to play it safe $1,000-$2,000 per year is generally a reasonable increase to ask for.

When you ask for more money justify it based on your expertise, increased cost of living because of the move, etc. You don’t have to go on and on about it, just a sentence or two about what you would like and why will do. If you are one of the lucky few who gets offered lucrative amounts of money well above the minimum for your rank you can ignore this advice and concentrate exclusively on asking for extras to help you do your job.

One time costs = Easier to Fund

One time requests do not carry over from year to year and are easier for administrators to okay.

Things you could ask for:

  • Laptop
  • Equipment
  • Extra Moving Funds (Need a higher limit to have a car towed, or to take into account your large family, it never hurts to ask. Depending on the rules they may or may be able to accommodate you.)
  • Extra Startup Funds (Justify with specific needs like setting up a new program, cost of equipment vs. cost/inability to send samples out etc.)
  • Extra Professional Development Funds (One time workshop / class / conference attendance.)
  • Library Resources (Even if they don’t give them to you it doesn’t hurt to let administrators know what you believe are crucial resources that are missing from the university. You never know, you could be the feather that tips the scale to buy.)

Keep in mind you won’t necessarily get everything that you ask for, but as long as you ask for reasonable (i.e. within your pay scale) salary increases and funding for items and activities that are job related you will probably get some of the things you ask for. If a place drops you from consideration just because you asked for an extra couple thousand a year instead of counter offering somewhere in between the two amounts I’d wonder if it was a overly rigid place to work.

Remember if they give you the offer they want you.

Stand up for yourself and the hard work that got you the job offer: Negotiate!

See what other people have to say:

Academic Jobs: Salary Negotiation

Negotiating a Tenure Track Job?Offer

Negotiating The Tenure Track Job Offer (I disagree with the poster about salaries, but the comments are excellent!)

The Incidental #Scimom

Jeff and Kiyomi Deards Relaxing With Family
Jeff and Kiyomi Deards Relaxing With Family

As far back as I can remember I’ve always managed to take alternate routes in life. From friendships and education, to career path, I’ve always marched to my own invisible (and possibly neurotic) drummer. My path to being a #Scimom is typical of my life, but different from most.

Whatever the reason I’ve never felt the urge to procreate. My oldest friend reminded me recently of a conversation we had about 20 years ago when we were about 12 where I expressed my disinterest in being a birth parent but was willing to adopt if needed to ensure my friends and relatives children always had a home. I have always been passionate about education and mentoring, and had a reputation for “being good with kids”.

In spite of this lifelong lack of desire to procreate I have found myself in the position of being a #Scimom through marriage. Fortunately, I enjoy a very positive relationship with my step-children. Perhaps it is because we’re closer in age than is usual, I’m more like the young hip aunt than a step-mom. Basically I skipped to the fun part, no diapers, no teen age rebellion, I came on the scene just in time for my step-kids to be in or starting college. Both of them have successfully graduated from college and been on their own for several years. The biggest challenge for me is to maintain my slightly older and wiser rep with the kids, and not foist my views of what they should do on them. I think it’s a little easier for me than for their parents, because while I love them dearly I did not spend years protecting them from life, dreaming about what they might do. What I see is their potential, all the different and varied careers that I imagine them succeeding in using the skills they are passionate about, and I know that even though I can think of several careers that I think both of them could be successful in there are probably a dozen more that I haven’t thought of that they’d probably love even more.

The major family issue we deal with is that I am the faculty member who drags their “trailing spouse” around with them. The whole family has been very supportive about my career, but I know it’s hard on everyone that we moved from California to Nebraska. Thankfully the kids have been really supportive of my career change; being a science librarian is very different from being the quality control manager at an environmental testing laboratory! And even though they’re starting to spread out geographically themselves, I know they miss having us in the same general location as their mom and step-father. So how do we (my husband and I) try and mitigate our absence? It’s less than one year since our move and my husband has gone back to visit family twice. We have also made a deliberate effort to be extra early with birthday and Christmas cheer so that even though we’re only able to call on the phone instead of meeting up for dinner, at least the presents are there early/on time. Thanks to the internet and smartphones we are able to keep in touch through Facebook, text messages, and the odd phone call, but it’s really not the same as visiting in person. Hopefully once things settle down we’ll be able to bring them out to see us periodically or set up a more regular visitation schedule.

Am I good #Scimom? I don’t know. But location aside, I put my family first because they really are the most important thing.

P.S. I list our names as Jeff and Kiyomi in that order because that way our names are in alphabetical order, can we say compulsive? There’s a reason I was drawn to physical chemistry and cataloging ;-)